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The aim of this book is to discuss contextual factors and the mechanisms at play during the management of musculoskeletal disorders. Knowledge and understanding of these factors can help clinicians to better understand their patients, themselves, and the interactions taking place during patient-clinician exchanges. The awareness of these dispositions can help physicians improve themselves and the care they deliver to patients, leading to a true patient-centered collaborative therapeutic alliance. Physician-patient collaboration is, in turn, associated with better patient adherence and outcomes, and care, delivered in a positive context, produces better outcomes.

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Part of being an executive is leading companies to success. As such, when an executive is experiencing extreme and prolonged stress, anxiety, isolation, and depression—what I’m calling “executive loneliness”—they often do nothing to address it for fear of appearing unsuccessful.

Not addressing it exacerbates the negative and difficult feelings to the point where it becomes more and more difficult for them to function. It takes a toll on their whole life. The reason I know this is that I was an executive who was trapped in serious executive loneliness for several years.

Once I managed to emerge, I made it my mission to draw attention to this typically hidden issue. I wrote this book to bring to the forefront an honest discussion about:

(1) the pressures of being an executive,

(2) the fact that executive loneliness is actually quite common, though typically hidden, and

(3) the five primary ways an executive can emerge stronger from this difficult place.

Executive loneliness is an incredibly serious condition and, in some cases, fatal. If you suspect that you, yourself, or someone you know is suffering executive loneliness, please read this book to begin the journey of emerging back into the light.

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From the No.1 International Best Selling Author Chris J Reed, "The Only NASDAQ CEO with a Mohawk!, comes his new book, "Personal Branding Mastery for Entrepreneurs". In it, Chris will tell you all about how you, as an entrepreneur, can develop your personal brand beyond LinkedIn.

You are an entrepreneur, your personal brand is what everyone is buying into. Your clients, your shareholders, your employees, your partners, the media...future clients, employees, investors...they are all buying into the power and values of your personal brand. That's why you need to start working on it now.

In this new book, Chris will talk from his own personal experience on how he created a personal brand from nothing and knowing no one when he left the UK and came to Singapore to become an Asian entrepreneur. Chris will show how he became the "Only NASDAQ CEO with a Mohawk!" and how this personal brand has transformed his businesses.

Chris covers all aspects of personal branding for entrepreneurs including what it is, why you should have it, his personal brand story, ups and downs of having a personal brand, why you need to be more American and less English or Asian in your personal branding.

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The VIP Consultation is designed to have a strategic and valuable 2 x 1-hour unique workshops with our CEO, John North.

We want to give you massive value, and we intend to deliver as much as possible on the call.

Available sessions include:

  • Book Publishing Strategy Call
  • Business Strategy Call

What will happen on the call.

First, I'll ask a whole bunch of questions

I'll get started by getting to understand your business, where it’s at and where you want to get it to.

Don't worry, you don't need to prepare anything; my questions will be very straightforward.

Then, I'll identify the best strategy for you

I'll be honest about whether my experience can help you or not. If not, I'll probably recommend someone that might be a better fit for your specific case. 

If we both think working together is a good idea...

Then we can also talk about the different ways I work with clients. 

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How Does Your Book Rank on Amazon?

Would you like to know your book ranking and find out ways to get more sales?

One of the best levers for your book sales is your categories and ranking on Amazon.

Gathering this information and keeping track manually is very time consuming and getting harder to even find it.

Our unique Kindle Book Audit service will provide you with a treasure trove of ideas you can immediately implement to improve your book sales.

  • Categories Audit and suggested changes for 4 Countries (USA, CA, UK and AU)
  • Assistance in getting your new categories loaded and we will then track them forever with our special software
  • Overall book audit to see what areas can be improved to help rank better and make more sales
  • Any other feedback based on our extensive experience for areas to focus on our improve

Also, receive a free digital copy of our Book Publishing Secrets for Entrepreneurs and our "Secret Publishing Kit".

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US$70.00 / Week

Our services and development are based on a Points System for our clients and business partners.

More Information HERE

In your tasks area you have balance statement and you can also view and top up points immediately.

We then allocate points to each staff member based on their skill level. This allows you to determine the workload.

If you go below 10 points balance we send you an alert email. If your balance goes to zero or negative we will also email you.

All points are accumulated so if we don't use them in a given month they will be available for use at any time in the future  (they never expire).

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We offer guaranteed book purchases via our networks for your launch day. Each pack is designed per country.

Please note once ordered we cannot refund if you change your mind or we encounter an issue. We can hold the funds for a future campaign.

Some important points to note:

  • The book must be priced @ 99 Cents (or we need to invoice you separately for the difference)
  • We require at least 2 days business days notice to ensure we can activate our network
  • We will also need the ASIN of your book and the USA Date of Purchase

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You are in charge of your own personal branding as an entrepreneur. Accordingly, if you wish to achieve great things in the business world, LinkedIn is the first logical place to start the process of building your personal brand . If you disregard the importance of branding, your ambitions are likely to be frustrated, and your competitors are more likely to win. If you do, you are more likely to win and succeed in your business objectives, whatever they are.

LinkedIn Mastery for Entrepreneurs was written for anyone who wishes to maximise the many applications of LinkedIn to build their  personal brand. By employing LinkedIn to achieve your objectives, you must learn to harness the process of becoming a thought leader on LinkedIn.

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