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Lucid Meditations: A Beginner’s Guide: Dive Deep Within Yourself for Joy and Healing

by Brady Kirk


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Calm body, calm mind…now what? Traditional meditation is only the beginning. Breeze through calming the body and calming the mind. Claim the healing, joy and wondrous experiences that lay beyond.
Powerful lucid dreaming techniques open your inner world, creating a vast playground that responds instantly. Let your subconscious create worlds more perfect than you could ask for. Find your unique happy place. Enjoy the exploration, an infinite vacation.
Call forward parts of yourself that need healing. Learn to interpret the dream imagery they present themselves with. Discover what will heal them and how to offer it instantly. Lucid dreaming techniques guide the way.
Cultivate a heart full of joyful courage to confront your oldest and deepest wounds, your “shadow�. Heal it and reap the rewards…
…regain the parts of yourself you were never meant to lose.