The Slippery Slope: The Optimal Journey to Oneself Parent-Teacher-Caregiver Edition
by Buddy Thornton
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Included inside both editions, you will discover the Four Pillars, my life, my voice, my passion, and my choice, that synthesize into a robust growth and development concept. In addition, challenging conversation points, such as socialization and choice dynamics, fill in the picture, written non-prescriptively to allow any parent a path to adaptability.
The teen-young adult version is written in a conversational style focused on engaging with the genuine stakeholders, the children in this equation. The adult stakeholder version includes the entirety of the teen-young adult version, providing transparency and an accommodating level of comfort, which focuses on building commonality in every family environment.
Aimed at every generation and socioeconomic context, the Optimal Journey companion books create an easy-to-follow yet compellingly effective platform that serves society’s best interests. Nothing is more important than giving the next generation an optimal advantage, and these two editions meet that challenge head-on. So, enjoy the last teen-young adult parenting books you will ever purchase, a bargain at any price!