It's a Common Question...
What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?
It's my belief that success isn't defined solely by how much money you make. The reason most people start businesses is for the freedom they expect it to give them. Unfortunately, the cold hard reality is that most entrepreneurs end up working longer hours for less money, and ironically, less freedom.
This book is about the process, strategy, and implementation of your ideas. The 5 Stages is our way of showing you a viable success path that will help you understand the mindset you need to develop to achieve your definition of success.
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Here's What You'll Learn From This Amazing Book:
The Foundation For Everything
The Founder stage is your foundation. If your foundation is shaky, then the whole concept will be unstable as well. Most people spend very little time in this area and never commit the few hours required to really figure out their big picture strategy. Don't be one of them!
What Are The Best Ways to Make a Fortune?
Wealth is very often linked to exclusive ownership or control of a particular product or service, rather than being a part of someone else's business model. One of the insider secrets to making millions is doing everything possible to minimise circumstances beyond your control.
The Secrets of Advertising
The power of words is a force you should never trivialise. The more your target audience sees your company name in association with a product or service of considerable worth, the more likely they will frequent your business.
How to Predict The Behaviors of Others
What if you could predict how your prospects and staff would react in various circumstances? The study of human nature is highly recommended for any entrepreneur who wants to succeed. If you can understand how people tick, you will sell more products and services and, at the same time, have more productive and engaged staff.
About The Author...
John North is a versatile and experienced entrepreneur with a solid background in Accounting, Banking, Finance, Personal Development, IT, Marketing and Business Management.
John has Five #1 Best Selling Books about business strategy, internet marketing, and his passion for Squash. John currently holds a number of titles, including CEO of Evolve Systems Group, Associate Diploma in Business (Accounting) and Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants.
John’s passion is to help business owners become more strategic and smarter about their marketing efforts. He constantly pushes the envelope of what’s possible in this modern era and is widely regarded among his peers as very innovative and highly creative in his approach.
In the digital era of the business world, internet marketing is the ruling king. Not only does it broaden your company’s reach but also ensure its brand’s visibility, but it can also generate prospects and even turn them into loyal customers.
John has created as a platform to enable him to help thousands rather than hundreds of entrepreneurs. He believes anyone can follow a system to success but the missing keys are implementation and accountability. The new platform allows the member to immerse fully into the program, track their tasks and be able to get feedback from peers, mastermind members or experts.
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What are the 5 Stages to Entrepreneurial Success?
"Here are the 5 stages to success in more detail ..."
This is the starting point for any new entrepreneur. It's where the magic happens. In order to get from an idea to a product/service/business, you need to make sure your concept has a solid foundation.
This is always the most exciting part of any journey, but you also need to be realistic about what is possible and what financial or physical barriers you will face in pushing your idea to the next stage.
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This stage is where an entrepreneur starts their search for the resources they need to launch their idea into the market. You need to consider things like what software you will be using for websites, eCommerce, autoresponders, contact management.
How your idea will look in terms of branding, pricing, and delivery. What staff and other contractors you will need to sell your products or service. Who you can attract to help you in terms of referral, affiliates or business partners.
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This is the vital stage which many entrepreneurs get stuck on. The successful implementation of core ideas is crucial, and can otherwise lead to lost opportunities or - even worse - project failure. If their choices aren't solid in the Explorer Stage, they often end up struggling with the technology side of their business.
They can also invest too much time and money on the wrong solutions, leaving few resources to actually promote their business. They need to find the right people to help them or ensure they understand the solutions they need to implement.
Automation is the key at this stage. Anything you can do to remove manual handling or staff involvement, the better you will be long term.
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This stage is where the entrepreneur is focused on growing their business and investing time and money to see their idea launched into the marketplace. Often, entrepreneurs will give up too early or start to second-guess themselves at this stage.
In addition, if their marketing and sales systems are not in place for automation then processes start to break and too much time is spent putting out fires. This is the time to start measuring everything you can in your business and plan your future or exit strategy.
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For any entrepreneur, having the time to do what they want, when they want, and with whom they want is the ultimate goal. At this stage, you are focused on only spending time on what you are good at or what you want to do, and the established systems and processes handle the backend of your business.
Now is the time to leverage your business the next level, sell it, or bring in partners or investors.
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Any sales or performance figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing Marketing for over 25 years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any business or marketing information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors … including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please don't buy my products.
#1 International Selling Book on Entrepreneurial Success! It's a common question... What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur? It's my belief that success isn't defined solely by how much money you make. The reason most people start businesses is for the freedom they expect it to give them. Unfortunately, the cold hard reality is that most entrepreneurs end up working longer hours... Read More » See Reviews »