Proven Blueprint: Transform Your Influence With a #1 Multi-Author Bestselling Book! 

Imagine stepping into the role of a Book Leader, orchestrating (in as little as 90 Days) a #1 International Best Selling book tailored around your unique expertise and vision.

In this one-of-a-kind project, you'll guide a team of 10, handpicked, to contribute to a book highlighting your collective knowledge and insights

With over 35 years in business, our track record speaks for itself.

Click Here for Next Step Current Projects FAQ

30% Lifetime Book Royalties from Online Sales.

Have your own featured Iintroduction, Chapter & BIO valued at $1,000

Earn 10% of Gross Author Signups ($1,000 or more) - Min 10 Authors or your own structure


Be Featured on...


Always achieving exceptional results

Evolve Systems Group is celebrating over 33 years serving businesses and entrepreneurs, you are in safe hands!


Let's get started..


Years of business &
publishing experience


#1 Best Seller


Books published


Books Sold


Some of our Past Projects






Show Case Your Expertise...

Embark on a transformative journey with us by engaging in our top-tier Multi-Author book package, designed to catapult your association and its members into the realm of published authors. Seize the chance to collectively author a book, enhancing your group’s reputation. Each author has the option to also have a custom cover and be the firsrt chapter for their own personal edition.

Evolve Systems Group is celebrating over 33 years serving businesses and entrepreneurs, you are in safe hands!


Content Flexibility: Members can either repurpose their existing presentations./material or craft a new 3,500-word chapter. Our experts will handle the final edits and proofreading.

Group Size: This package accommodates a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 authors, making it perfect for associations and groups of all sizes.

First Chapter & Authorship: Representing the association, you'll be featured in the first chapter and listed as the first author, giving you prime visibility.

Find Out More [ Click Here ]


When you collaborate with Evolve Global Publishing, your new book will receive unparalleled exposure on platforms like Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble and Google Books.

Contributors are guaranteed the '#1 International Best Seller Author Status' in three countries and have the freedom to craft a 3,500-word chapter with minimal edits to maintain authenticity.

Elevate your brand

Global Distribution
Be see globally on every book platform plus your own eBook, Interactive Online Book as well as Premium Hardcover and Paperback Editions

Guaranteed #1 International Best Seller Status
Every contributing author will achieve '#1 International Best Seller Author Status,' amplifying their credibility and reach.


Revenue Share
To top it off, we'll pay you 10% of the gross fees collected from the members. (excluding printed books) plus 30% of the ongoing royalty received of any online book sales.

First Chapter & Authorship
As the association, you'll be featured in the first chapter and listed as the first author, giving you prime visibility.

Join Now!  

Your Member's VIP Custom Cover & Physical Book Option


Are you ready to take your authorship journey to unparalleled heights?

Imagine not just contributing to a book, but becoming the face of it—gaining immediate visibility, credibility, and a unique edge in the crowded marketplace.

We're offering an exclusive, limited-time package that goes beyond traditional publishing, designed to put you in the spotlight and amplify your voice like never before.

This is more than an opportunity; it's your personal brand's game-changer:

Unlock the ultimate publishing experience with our optional premium package!

Extra Customized Book & Combined Version: Get more than just a chapter; receive an extra customized book and a combined version featuring all contributors.

Hardcover or Paperback Choice: Tailor your book's format to your preference. Choose between a luxurious hardcover or a convenient paperback edition. (Minimum order of 100 print copies at an extra cost.)

Your Face on the Cover: Make a lasting impression with your face prominently displayed on the book cover, ensuring you stand out in every bookstore and online platform.

Interactive Custom Online Book: Engage your audience like never before with an interactive online book, complete with embedded video messages. Check out our sample: [Interactive Book Sample]

Move Your Chapter to the Front: Be the first voice readers hear; your chapter will lead the book, giving you immediate visibility and impact.

PDF eBook for Your Distribution: Gain full control with a PDF eBook version, perfect for your own distribution channels.

Book Leader:
How Does it Work Exactly?



Step 1

You apply

Complete our easy application form and we will then organise a call to discuss further.

Step 2

Application Approved

Once we agree that your project is viable we will create a custom co-branded page and schedule a webinar for your members.

Step 3

Member Signup (Webinar)

We both attend a webinar where we offer the package to your members with a deadline (typically 2 weeks) and we handle all the administration, invoicing and project management. We also supply followup email templates to promote the offer.

Step 4

Author Onboarding

As each author makes payment they have instant access to your member portal and e-learning courses. We also offer optional book coaching and editing services if needed..

Step 5

Author Q&A Group Meeting

We both attend a group meeting to handle questions and plan the strategy of the book

Step 6

Title, Cover, Layout

You have special access to our portal as a "Book Leader" so you can submit your ideas for the Cover, Title and Layout. We usually hold a call with you to formalise this stage

Step 7

Content Creation

All Authors use our portal and lesson based process to create and then submit their BIO, Chapter and Images. You also do this.

Step 8

Editing and Proof

Our team takes the content, does a light edit or proof read and format the book for publishing. We provide everyone a proof of their own chapter.

Step 9


Once all signed off we publish your book everywhere on digital and physical platforms and execute a #Best Seller Campaign

Step 10

Author Fulfilment

All authors are sent their own personal hardcopy as well as any additional books ordered. We also provide the custom versions for anyone who ordered these. There is also a PDF and Interactive Digital Version

Step 11


Time for you to leverage your book, perhaps as a promotion to your association or group. Even sell volume printed copies. We can help with ideas to get the maximum benefit for you new #1 Best Selling Book!

What Others Say About Evolve Systems Group



"He made the process phenomenally easy, fantastically easy to deal with, and [was] always responsive."

Chris J Reed


"Anyone that's interested in becoming an authority in the field, I strongly suggest that you give John at Evolve Global Publishing a call."

Karen Phillip


"I feel like I’ve finally started this journey and there’s many more [adventures] to come with Evolve Global Publishing."

Alena Norman



"John is a sensational man who will help you through every step of the process"

Barry Nicolaou


"You won't regret the investment in yourself and the realisation of your dreams."

Leda Csanka


"I'm proud of the book, I take it everywhere, and we're sending out thousands of copies. I really owe this to John and the whole team at Evolve."

Todd Eldredge

Co-Authors: How Does it Work?


  • We create a custom landing page with our branding
  • You invite your members to a Webinar, and we present the idea with your custom link
  • Each member pays an agreed price and can also choose a custom book for an additional cost.
  • We pay you 10% of Gross initial revenues, with 10 Authors that's at least $1,000
  • Authors receive a personal hardcover edition with additional copies at wholesale rates.
  • The book will be published within 90 days of commitment and receipt of final chapter drafts
  • You can also have a free chapter valued at least US$1,295
  • Chapter sequence is determined by payment promptness,


Step into the limelight and elevate your brand like never before!

Joining the best-selling author ranks with this golden opportunity to showcase your expertise, share your story, and solidify your position as a thought leader in your industry.

Join us for a transformative journey in publishing!

Author FAQs


It's a unique opportunity to co-author a book with other professionals, providing global exposure and credibility.

Evolve Systems Group is celebrating over 35 years serving businesses and entrepreneurs, you are in safe hands! We have been publishing books for over 7 years and have published over 150 of them as well as been involved in 2500+ #1 Best Seller Campaigns. We offer an experienced and dedicated team of professionals to guarantee a quality result for you.

The book will be available on major platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple and Google Books.

Yes, it's guaranteed to reach #1 International Best Seller status in two-three countries.

Each author can write a chapter of about 3,500 words.

The position is based on the promptness of payment.

We DO NOT refund once the project officially starts, you can either sell your spot to someone else or be included in a future book. After 12 months your spot expires.

Yes for AU and NZ Businesses (subject to finance approval) for payment up to 6 months.

A hardcover edition is provided, with additional copies available at wholesale rates with a choice of paerback (B&W) or Hardcover (Colour) editions.

No direct royalties, but the program offers significant potential returns through increased reach and credibility.

You effectively have copyright over your own content and can be easily verified if questioned by a publisher or platform. Duplicate content is fine for books.

Our working plan is to finalise and publish within 90 days of receiving the draft chapters, BIO and images. This is dependent on the speed of submissions and signoffs.

Yes, options include having your face on the cover and an interactive online book version.

Frequently-Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions regarding the multi-book concept. These are some of the common ones:

There is no cost for you in fact as long as you achieve 10 authors signup we pay 10% of the gross revenue to you. If you want printed books you can get them at wholesale rates. We also pay you 30% royalty forever of any online sales.

Our working plan is to finalise and publish within 90 days of receiving the draft chapters, BIO and images. This is dependent on the speed of submissions and signoffs.

Depends on our current prices. Some authors may use our additional coaching and editing services.

We pay 10% of the gross author payments of the $995 and $695. There is no commissions paid on extra services such as coaching, editing or book printing. We pay this amount approx 30-45 days after the final author payments are made. Can also use this amount as a credit for book printing.

We also offer the option for you to promote this multi-author package to other groups and associations and you can use your special link provided in My-Zone... Affiliate Program

When we publish the book on the platforms such as Amazon they pay us a royalty that can vary between 25% and 70% of the sale price. We will pay you 30% of what we receive on an ongoing basis. We report every 6 months and pay you then. You can also use the money to print more books for yourself. We only pay you royalty if you want to pass this onto your authors you are free to do so.

Evolve Systems Group is celebrating over 33 years serving businesses and entrepreneurs, you are in safe hands! We have been publishing books for over 7 years and have published over 150 of them as well as been involved in 2500+ #1 Best Seller Campaigns. We offer an experienced and dedicated team of professionals to guarantee a quality result for you.

Yes for AU and NZ Businesses (subject to finance approval) for payment up to 6 months

We DO NOT refund once the project officially starts, they can either sell their spot to someone else or be included in a future book. After 12 months their spot expires.

We need to get 10 authors per book, so depends some smaller networks work just as well.

The Book Subject depends on authors in group. We have seen a wide range of subjects from speakers to coaches and beyond.


Here's what awaits you when your members who collaborate with us:


  • Unrivalled Exposure
    Your insightful chapter will grace platforms like Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Books, and beyond - all under the distinguished banner of Evolve Global Publishing.
  • Guaranteed #1 International Bestseller Status
    The promise isn't just of success; it's of dominance. The book is predestined to clinch the '#1 International Best Seller Author Status' in 3 distinct countries (1 category per country).
  • Your Voice, Undiluted
    Craft a compelling 3,500-word chapter and a 350-word BIO. Our experts will fine-tune it with light edits and proofreading, ensuring your authentic voice shines through.
  • Positional Advantage:
    Your chapter's sequence within the book will be determined by the promptness of your payment.
  • Tailored Pricing & Benefits
    As an added benefit, each contributing author will receive a hardcover edition of the book. If you're keen on additional copies, they're available at exclusive wholesale rates.
  • 90-Day Publish Plan
    Witness the culmination of your contribution to the published book within a span of 90 days from the date of commitment.
  • 30% Royalties
    While the arrangement doesn't encompass direct royalties for your Authors, we will pay your group or association ongoing royalties for any online sales of the book on various platforms. We typically report and pay every 6 months and you will have access to the Reporting Dashboard.

Find Out More [ Click Here ]

CEO, John North's Background


Eight-Time #1 Amazon International, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Best Selling Author...

John North is regarded as a versatile and experienced entrepreneur with a solid background in Accounting, Banking, Business Management, Finance, Personal Development, IT, Software and Strategic Marketing.

John is the CEO of Evolve Systems Group. He is a serial entrepreneur who has created many products and services that are designed to empower business owners and entrepreneurs. Some of these ventures include: Evolve Global Publishing,,, EvolveYourBusiness, and Evolve Mobile.

John is passionate about helping business owners become smarter and more strategic about their marketing efforts. He constantly pushes the envelope of what’s possible in this modern era and is widely regarded among his peers as very innovative and highly creative in his approach.

  • Over 30 years in business and online marketing
  • Over 25 million worth of sales for myself and clients in 30 years
  • Written 6 #1 Best Selling business books
  • Published or been involved in over 1,500 books
  • Won Australia Day Award for my shire back in 1984
  • Worked as an ambulance officer
  • Was part of the state emergency  service
  • Was policeman for my town for 2 days
  • Took over failing accounting software distribution company and turned them into #2 distributor in the world in 3 years
  • Built a new software platform from the ground up

Our Authors and Their Books...


Some of our many happy authors! We look forward to making you our next best-selling author!



Chris J Reed  the Only CEO With A Mohawk! A third time No. 1 International Bestselling Author with my latest book “Social Selling Mastery for Entrepreneurs: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Social Selling”. My other bestseller books – “Personal Branding Mastery For Entrepreneurs” and “LinkedIn Mastery for Entrepreneurs”, the No.1 book about LinkedIn on Amazon.

Get it here


Doctor Warrick Bishop is a practicing cardiologist, #1 best selling author, and keynote speaker and who has a passion to help prevent heart disease on a global scale.  
A number of years ago something incredible, an amazing coincidence, happened that started Doctor Warrick Bishop on the mission to prevent heart attacks rather than try to cure them which is why he created The Healthy Heart Network.


Gina Gardiner is a Two-Time #1 International Best Selling author, Motivational speaker, Empowerment Coach, Transformational Leadership Trainer NLP Master Practitioner and Coach with well over 30 years experience of helping people achieve happiness and success. She is passionate about helping her clients to achieve their full potential – to become genuinely their best self.




Victoria Vives, #1 Best Selling Author, wrote In a Matter of Seconds. Victoria is a champion of truth and consciousness. Her diverse and colorful history gives her a unique perspective and keen ability to connect with people from all walks of life and also pierce the confounding veils of ambiguity and misdirection that are so frequently employed by the powers that be.

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Karen Phillip, #1 Best Selling Author, wrote Communication Harmony. Karen Phillip is a Counselling Psychotherapist; Clinical Hypnotherapist and the Parenting and Relationship Expert on television, radio and print media both here and overseas. She is an International Author and Key Note Speaker.

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Greg Larsen, author of Reconnect and Profit, is a multi-owner SME entrepreneur, investor, business advisor, and #1 international best-selling author. Greg has over 25 years’ experience owning and leading multi-industry companies to national and international sales growth through customer-centric values, building upon technology, strategic brand positioning, and internal financial and operational excellence.

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David Rossi, #1 Best Selling Author, wrote The Imperative Habit, so you too can move from dissatisfaction and suffering to joy, contentedness, and peace. The Imperative Habit details the seven habits that changed David’s life. In this book you learn how to shed old beliefs and make new ones, and how to practice and form habits, create growth, and eventually experience real transformation. David is a motivational speaker, personal, business, and achievement coach.

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Dean Mannix  #1 Best Selling Author, CEO & CO-Founder of  SALESITV. With over $50M in consulting and online sales and sales performance projects in over 25 countries, Dean knows how to achieve sales growth. He is recognised as one of the world’s leading sales performance coaches with 30 years of legal, finance, sales and management experience. Dean advises, coaches and trains senior executives from many of the world’s leading corporations that include Suncorp, Westpac, Macquarie Bank, Fairfax Media, News Corp, Meridian Energy, Medibank, Boston Consulting Group, and many more.

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Daniel Gefen #1 Best Selling Author is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Gefen Media Group - a podcast production and booking agency helping clients build a loyal following through the power of podcasting. He is also the host of the top-rated podcast show called 'Can I Pick Your Brain?' which has exceeded over 150,000 downloads and was named top 26 podcasts to listen to by CIO Magazine. He has interviewed over 100 thought leaders, Billionaires and celebrities.


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