Me & My BIG Ideas: How to get paid more as an Expert
by John Harris
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My passion is helping small business owners; big corporations, entrepreneurs, authors, experts, speakers, coaches and consultants reach their dreams by turning their knowledge into income.
In today’s volatile economy the threat of losing your job has become a very real possibility and consequently this has created a lot of fear in the general population. Even for those with a job the cost of living has become unaffordable.
I’m here to tell you that if you don’t differentiate, break through the market clutter, capture imagination and attention and get prospects motivated about you, your idea or your business, you can and will become redundant.
Here’s some data that should make you jump:
The digital information market has more than doubled in the last 5 years… and every year:
•33 billion dollars is spent in the corporate training and e-learning industry.
•27.94 billion is spent in the eBook and book publishing industry
•10.5 billion in the personal growth market
•17 billion is spent in the mobile app market
•1.2 billion is spent in the coaching market
But what does this mean to you?
It means opportunity!
The whole goal with “Me & My BIG Ideas� how to get paid more as an expert is to show you the opportunity and spark ideas and get you thinking about how you could benefit from the industry.