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Global Free Dance for Radiant Health: Meditation, Music and Motion.

by Eddie deSouza,Savanna Johar,Susan Grigor


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What if you are right and the system is wrong? Have you or your children been labeled ADHD? Do you want to connect to the earth and its vibrations?
What’s offered to you in this book is a step in the right direction, away from prescription drugs and towards your natural born gifts to Dance, Sing, Laugh and Play.
Make a commitment to yourself for the next 27 days to do the simple exercises suggested in this e-book and connect with your inner child, who was born to love life and live with radiant health.
This e-book contains links to 9 bonus music tracks for a unique, transformational dance experience that have the power to help you heal your Chakras and rediscover your God given talents to create and use your imagination.
“Eddie deSouza, a Spiritual Healer uses Meditation, Music and Motion to guide you to discover your natural ability to connect to the earth, live in harmony with your inner child and tap into the infinite wisdom of the Universe.”