Cooling The Flames Of Anger: How To Prevent Anger From Destroying Your Love
by Ernest H. Johnson
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Both men and women refer to anger as a hot emotion. It is typically after one of those hot explosive situations where some people wish that their partner came with an instructional manual like those for household appliances. Unfortunately, there is no manual to figure out how they manage their anger or any other emotions. When we do manage to figure them out, we think we can’t live without them. When all hell breaks loose, we think that life would be better without them. If the situation becomes too intense, as it does for some couples, we start to think about trading in our partner for a new model—just like we do when an appliance is misbehaving.
When we are hot with rage, the flames of anger can be harmful to everyone involves, but anger—like our other emotions—also has some positive functions. Unlike popular belief, you can learn to use your anger in constructive ways. In this book, you will discover the meaning behind your emotions. The book contains several self-assessment exercises to help you discover how you experience and express your anger. You will also discover the reasons why women and men differ in the meaning that anger (and other emotions) plays in their lives. In doing so, you will learn how to prevent your partner’s anger from driving you crazy.
Being happy, expressing our feelings, and using our emotions to grow closer to our partner are sign of a strong relationship. If you are going through tough times or frustrated about what is happening in your life, then you can be assured that angry feelings will surface. Rather than attempting to bury these feeling or drive your partner crazy, this book will help you discover healthy ways for expressing your emotions that will keep your love life running smoothly.