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Wonderful Question: An Invitation Into Infinite Possibilities

by Hilde Geeraert


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If you could have anything out of this book, what would it be?

Most of us were taught to function within the beliefs and limitations of this reality. We have forgotten that our true nature is Infinite Being. What if you could create from a different space, totally beyond the confinements of this reality?
What is it you truly desire to have as your reality and your future?

When we’re going beyond the judgements and conclusions of what we are and are not, should be and shouldn’t be, can be and can’t be, infinite possibilities are available to us. When we’re willing to ask questions beyond what this reality has made us believe, we can receive infinitely more of us and more of the possibilities the universe is ready to gift to us.

This book is an invitation that presents you a totally different possibility of who you are and what you can choose. It also teaches you simple tools and techniques from Access Consciousness that allow you to change your perception and your experience of what you are and what is truly available to You, Infinite Being.

What else is possible when you’re willing to have more of you?