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Marketing Blueprint For Contractors: The Fastest and Easiest Ways to DOUBLE YOUR PROFITS in 90 Days or LESS!

by Tony Bernard


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“Marketing Blueprint for Contractors� is a MUST read for Specialty or General Contractors. What would Doubling YOUR Profits do for YOU?

This book is for YOU, if you want: 1) More projects with Higher PROFIT Margins, 2) Gain a Competitive EDGE, so you don’t have to compete on price or 3) Control of your business, so you can spend your time on the things that really matter in your life, 4) So you can have FREEDOM and CERTAINTY about Your Marketing and Your Business!

Tony Bernard, is a Certified Power Marketing Consultant with 35 years of International Consulting in the Construction Industry and worked on over $15 billion worth of projects.

"The use of our proven ‘Strategic Messaging Formula’ virtually guarantees YOUR company will DOUBLE Profits in 90 days or less, PLUS dominate your local industry in less than a year, because it is based on our Proven Proprietary Marketing System." Says Tony.