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DREAM...a guide to grieving gracefully: 5 Keys to Unlock the Grip of Grief

by Kristi Smith

ASIN: B018367WY4

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You may think that DREAM is an unusual title for a book dealing with grief, but I propose that daring to dream is precisely the right antidote for our aching hearts. Millions of people are hurting because they do not know how to heal. Grieving is a life skill that we are simply not taught. This little book is about to change that.

People often get locked in one or more of the 5 stages of grief. When this happens, the pain is prolonged, and the elusive healing is delayed. DREAM is an acronym for 5 keys to unlock the grip of grief. DREAM pairs each of the 5 stages of grief with an exact key to unlock that stage. The 5 keys are:

Dare to dream, the key to unlock Denial
Remove the stinger, the key to unlock Anger
Embrace awkward, the key to unlock Sadness
Ask for help, the key to unlock Bargaining
Move on, the key to lock in Acceptance

DREAM is about more than mere survival. DREAM is a new way of living. DREAM empowers grievers to propel their lives forward with dignity, strength, and grace. DREAM is not about the trauma and tragedy of my story. DREAM is about hope and how to infuse energy and victory into your story.

Grieving includes both suffering from a loss AND longing for something we do not have. DREAM is for anyone dealing with loss through death, divorce, job loss, deteriorating health, or any other form of loss. DREAM is also for those who are longing for significant relationships, for financial security, for children they do not have, or for other unfulfilled desires. There is even a chapter for friends and family who are struggling to
know how to help a griever.

DREAM is packed with the wisdom and all-important life skills you will need to help you pass the hardest tests you will face. When you think of whatever it is you are facing right now, I want you to put the word DREAM beside it. If you are currently grieving, or if you have old grief that needs additional healing, it is my hope that you will dare to DREAM!

Your life is waiting for you! Make it extraordinary! Dare to DREAM!

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