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Did Jesus Have a Belly Button?

by Robert M. Julien MD PhD,Stephen Dunne,Tom Stella,Michael Morwood,Mark Brady,Daniel Maguire


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"Did Jesus Have a Belly Button?" began several years ago as a journal of my personal questions and spiritual growth. It became a chronicle of my mental and intellectual risk-taking. Now, after much discernment, it has morphed into a form intended to benefit you, the reader, in your exploration of your own spirituality and your struggle to find the message of Jesus outside the rigid dogma of the Catholic Church. My spirituality had gotten to a point where I was unable to recite the Nicene Creed at Sunday mass. I knew that much of the content of the Nicene Creed was just not true. I know in my heart that what the church puts forth as unquestionable and irrefutable fact is often not literally true. Their truth was claimed from stories told and meant as parables. This belief has now culminated in my being able to recognize the God within me and within all persons. This recognition is encompassed by the term Namaste, which is a form of greeting acknowledging that the God within me recognizes the God within you. This has been a journey away from the rigid dogma stated in the Nicene Creed into a new awareness of the universal recognition of the God-Spirit deep within my core, sometimes called my “soul”. This has been my journey away from blind recitation of the Nicene Creed and into the loving awareness of Namaste!