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The Reinvented Me: Five Steps to Happiness in a Crazy Busy World

by Chuck Bolton


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Happiness. It’s a universal desire to seek a happy and successful life. Yet in today’s crazy busy world, happiness and success seems more elusive. Despite technological advances, the rise of social media and increased connectivity, studies show an alarming trend – happiness levels are on the decline. We don’t flourish when we’re not happy. What can be done?

There’s good news! We can reinvent our happiness. Forty percent of your happiness is based on your voluntary actions – driven by your thoughts and behaviors. There are proven skills we can apply to dramatically increase our happiness levels.

Inside this book, bestselling author and leading CEO coach Chuck Bolton shares a step-by-step holistic framework to reinvent your happiness and become more successful. Want to flourish and thrive? Follow these five steps to greater happiness and success.