Get Active Your Body Needs You!: Simple and Easy Step By Step Guide to Better Health and Fitness
by Bob Lloyd,Peter Lanyon
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But the very thought of changing your lifestyle to become a more active person can be daunting, to say the least.
Until now.
Allow Bob Lloyd to show you how easy it can be. His simple, step-by-step guide will get you feeling fit, strong and energized in as little as three months with just 30 minutes a day... is all it takes!
Get Active is an entertaining, eye-opening read. Bob’s words of wisdom will cause you to reconsider all the pre-conceived notions you have about exercise and you’ll find yourself re-evaluating, re-examining and re-thinking your life.
Don’t hesitate. This is the golden opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
Get ready to turn your life around with Get Active!
About Bob
International #1 selling author Robert John Lloyd has always been passionate about sports and fitness. Growing up in Sydney, Australia, his interests included Rugby League, Cricket, Tennis, Gold and Surf Board Riding.
Choosing a career path in which he could give back to the community, Bob graduated as a Physical Education ("PE") Teacher from Sydney's Teacher College in 1967. Over his 30-year teaching career, Bob made full use of the opportunity to help his students learn to value physical activity and improve their health and well-being.
During the course of his teaching career, Bob taught PE at numerous schools in the Sydney area, including Belmore Boys High School, Sydney Technical High School, Griffith High School, Wade High School, Entrance High School and Central Coast Grammar School.
Some of his major achievements include:
1973: Riverina Schoolboys Rugby League Convener
1974: Secretary NSW Combined High Schools Sport Association
1974-1984: NSW CHS Rugby League Convener
1976-1979: Secretary Australian Schools Rugby League Association
1979 – 1984: President Australian Schoolboys Rugby League Association
Life Memberships:
NSW Combined High School Sport Association
NSW CHS Schoolboys Rugby League Association
Australian High Schools Rugby League Association
The French Senior Rugby League Association
Avoca Beach Junior Board Riders Club
Central Coast Grammar School P&F Association
Bob has been married for 44 years and has two children. He is currently pursuing his writing career while working as the General Manager at the Star of Sea Luxury Apartments in Terrigal.
As Bob is fond of saying: Life is a journey... not a destination...enjoy the ride!