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Unconventional Success For Professionals: How to Build an Ultra-Successful Professional Practice and Dominate Your Industry: Great Information for All Businesses

by Steven Poulos


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Unconventional Success For Professionals is wisdom from over 30 years of experience in building a highly successful dental practice. Dr. Steven Poulos delivers this in simple lessons that can be applied by any other practice owner that desires to become a leader in their industry. Regardless of the competition, you build an ultra-successful practice with a high performing team.

In this book you'll learn:

*Positive mental conditioning - you and staff, exercise / raise energy level
*The secrets to developing a positive personality
*How to gain rapport with anyone and present ideas
*Systems for getting projects and things done
*Ways of overcoming barriers and defeat limiting beliefs
*Mindset to accept prosperity and abundance
*Steps for business building / practice building
*External marketing strategies to grow your practice with direct mail, email, Facebook, SEO, and more
*Customer service strategies: keeping customers for life
*Properly position yourself: physical, geographical, digital, website

Order today and start building your own ultra-successful practice