Find Your Voice: The 10 steps from anxiety to confidence for aspiring speakers
by Elisa James
ASIN: B0719PN6F3
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Imagine breaking through any blockages so you could have a strong voice, rock solid confidence and a dynamic presentation style that you can use every day...on stage and off. What would that be like?
Well, it's time to begin your journey from anxiety to confidence. It's time to get excited about speaking, performing and just being the person you want to be!
In this must-read book, Elisa James guides you through ten simple steps to transform your life. She shares her tips, tools, and techniques that have helped her clients Find Their Voice.
IN this book you'll discover:
The 10 essential skills all successful speakers and performers have in common... find out if you already have these or not.
Simple techniques to solve 3 of the most common vocal faults
How to change your life by using the east 10-step plan to increase your confidence and vocal power.