Don't Laugh: A Woman's Playbook to the U-R-In Line for the Women's Public Bathroom... Again!
by Alisa Gamblin,Glenna Mageau,Helen Dougherty,Christine White,Patricia T
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Women’s bathrooms pretty much always have a lineup, no toilet paper, and tiny stalls. Who designs these things? It is a very familiar scene that we as women experience all too often… which is why we created this book, Don’t Laugh, A Woman’s Playbook to the U-R-In Line for the Women’s Public Bathroom… Again! This is a lighthearted look at this problem and what women can do to decrease their stress and to support their sisters at this time.
So the next time U-R-In line, imagine for a moment connecting with other women. You turn to your neighbour and begin a conversation—Have you read...? Do you know the song…? Have you practiced the dance…? Oh you haven’t? You must…
Read the book, have a laugh, sing a ditty, and learn the dance… although we’re pretty sure you already know it.
Our goal is to make the world a happier place, one pee at a time.
Live, love, laugh… just not too hard while U-R-In Line.