New Mind New Reality: The Secret Keys To Unlock Your Inner Genius
by Gregory P Brown MD
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#1 bestseller in FIVE categories on Amazon, including Counseling & Psychology, Occupational & Organizational, Medicine & Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Social Science Methodology, and Physiological Aspects in Psychology.
You have absolutely NO LIMITS to your genius! By reading this book and implementing the detailed instructions given within the pages, you can expect a complete transformation of your experience of the world. This may sound impossible, so let’s tell you why I can make this claim.
You will learn how your mind actually creates reality for you on a psychological level. It creates patterns in your life you may not want because you are totally unaware of the patterns on a conscious level.
This book will help you understand the science involved in the transformation. From Socrates to Carl Jung, men have explored how the conscious and unconscious mind dictates our experience of life. You will learn about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the new application of the NLP concepts called Time Line Therapy®
You will be given tools for figuring out how to find patterns in your life where you feel totally stuck. It seems you can’t get through these stuck places alone. Instead, you repeat your problems over and over in certain areas of your life.
This book will walk you through the process of looking at those areas and removing the negative emotions getting in your way and the negative limiting beliefs. With those barriers out of the way, you will learn how to develop SMART goals in your future to help you get where you need to be in your life.
In short, we’re going to transform your inner personal insanity into genius.