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How to Combat Autoimmune Disease and WIN!: Eliminate Subconscious Stress and Self- Defeating Beliefs to Beat Your Symptoms and Diseases, Improve Your Quality of Life, and Achieve Your Dreams

by Christy Mattoon


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Autoimmune diseases of every form are on the rise across the world. The statistics are alarming. It’s even more alarming that the reasons that it's happening are totally under our control.
This book is meant to share with you my journey through autoimmune disease and what I did to heal.
The things that I went through. The things that I noticed, what got me there and what brought me back.
It is not an easy road once you are on it. Life gets tough, scary, and even unbearable.
Life is about the living and the choices you make along the way.
Once you know you can do things differently, what length and distance will you go to find life?
This is what I discovered and what I keep doing that helps me stay on top of the fight.