Outsmart Your Pain: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Pain and Transforming Your Life
by Lisa Barr
ASIN: B0787588L5
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If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, Dr. Lisa Barr wants to help. In Outsmart Your Pain!, Dr. Barr shares innovative solutions to help you overcome your pain. Dr. Barr's goal in this book is to empower you to focus your energy on the underlying issues that cause pain rather than focusing only on pain as a symptom.
Ideally, we all want to live pain free and drug free. Here’s what we know; pain is pervasive. It is associated with a wide range of injuries and disease and its impact is tremendous. As a symptom, pain is tricky because it means many different things to different people. Defined as a complex physical and emotional experience, it is true that no two people experience pain in the same way. Neuroscience says we interpret our world through our senses. Yet, interpreting pain is confusing because we feel it in our body yet we cannot see it or touch it. In short, pain is the invisible intersection of the affairs of the heart through our emotions, our mind through our thoughts and beliefs and our body through our posture and physiology.
Identifying our physical complaints is just the beginning. To obtain lasting relief of pain, we must take a close look at our lifestyle, posture, diet, environment, relationships and habits. Additionally, we must also assess our emotional investment in pain as well as become clear about our conscious and unconscious thoughts and beliefs about pain. Ultimately, this process opens us up to changing what needs to be changed and this is the key to successful resolution of pain. When seen from this broader perspective, it becomes clear why the answers to pain might not revealed on imaging studies and why some people don't get better with certain treatments.
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