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Experience Over Degrees: The Blueprint to Get You the Job Your Degree Doesn’t

by Rishav Khanal,Alex Strathdee


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Congrats on your College degree! Hope you weren’t expecting a full-time job.

We’ve all heard stories about college graduates who can’t find work after college, who are underemployed, and many who are living back home with mom and dad.

Getting a degree is hard work, but getting a job is even harder work and is not something college actually prepares graduates for.

Your degree may get you in the door of some companies after graduation, but it does not provide you with a tactical roadmap to choosing the right experiences and then crafting them in a way that gets you hired for the job you want.

Experience over Degrees will teach you about where your passion dwells, knowing relevant topics, developing skills and having experiences that someone will pay you for down the road. It’ll also make you an interesting person who people are drawn to. This is where it all starts, building marketable talents and then learning how to frame your experiences to directly tie into that market. It’s going to take convincing just one company to take a chance you to break into this market.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this book:

  • Why “Get Your Dream Jobâ€� is useless advice;
  • The difference between weak goals and S.M.A.R.T. goals;
  • A Networking formula that sets you apart from the endless sea of college graduates;
  • Transform Your Boring Resume;
  • Why Career Fairs are like the Playoffs;
  • The Navy Seal Approach to Mastering the Interview;
  • How To Get The Job Offer and Negotiate A Higher Salary;
  • And much more!

With humble beginnings as former lifeguards and door-to-door salesmen, the authors, Rishav and Alex are now working for the most prized companies in the world – LinkedIn and Appian. Students who have used their methods have gone on to jobs with Amazon, Ernst & Young, Under Armour, Microsoft, and many other leading firms. The difference between those students and the ones who continue to lag? The Blueprint contained in this book and Immediate action.

If you want a framework for getting a job after graduation, then hit the BUY NOW button and let’s get going.

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