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Read 'Em & Reap: 6 Science-Backed Ways Reading Puts You on the Road to Achieving More and Living Longer

by Tom Collins

ASIN: B07TS584M6

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Read 'Em & Reap addresses two transformative questions for for leaders, coaches, parents, teachers, and lifelong learners:

  • Why is reading critical to our personal and professional growth, brain health, emotional intelligence, happiness, and yes, even our longevity?
  • What simple techniques can we use to get more reading into our lives – and help those we serve do the same – even when we’re “too busyâ€�?

Learn how you can reap rewards from reading and share them with your clients, colleagues, and kids.

“This book will help you to re-frame the time you spend reading. Read ‘Em and Reap [shows] you not only why reading helps you live longer, but what to read, and how to read so you can benefit from the longevity effect regular reading delivers.�
Pamela Wilson, author of Master Content Marketing and Master Content Strategy

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Leaders are readers.�

Ever wonder if that’s true? Or if so, then just how does reading make better leaders?

After seeing yet another headline along those lines, retired lawyer, author, speaker, and entrepreneur Tom Collins decided to find out what the science shows. In Read ’Em & Reap he takes you on a journey into the scientific research confirming how reading – and reading print books, in particular – delivers on the leadership promise, and much more. Some of the ways may surprise you:

  • reducing harmful stress
  • helping you sleep better
  • improving your decision-making capacity
  • making you smarter
  • increasing your empathy
  • and even helping you live longer!

All these contribute directly or indirectly to making you a better leader, right? And how about a better partner, parent . . . person? They make you healthier and happier, too!

If these claims sound like snake oil, printed and bound, read on. The supporting science you’ll learn about is pretty overwhelming.

After you've followed the evidence, the last three chapters will help you apply it to get more reading into your life and more life out of your reading.

So if you’re already a book-a-holic, you’ll see why that “affliction� so enriches your life. If you’re not, get started now, with this book; the proof is at your fingertips!