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Skin Nourishing Effects of Biofield Energy Healing Treatment Based Herbomineral Formulation

by Shirley Theresa Holmlund


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The aim of the present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of a Consciousness Energy Healing (The Trivedi Effect®) Treatment based test formulation on skin health. The test formulation and DMEM were separated into two parts. One part of each received the Consciousness Energy Healing Treatment by Shirley Theresa Holmlund and were termed as the Biofield Energy Treated samples, while the other parts were considered as the untreated test samples. MTT assay showed more than 70% cells were viable in all the tested concentrations in three cell lines and that the test formulation was safe and nontoxic. The percent cell proliferation using BrdU assay was significantly increased by 343.57%, 100.29%, and 132.6% in the UT-DMEM + BT-Test formulation, BT-DMEM + UT-Test formulation, and BT-DMEM + BT-Test formulation groups, respectively at 8.75 μg/mL compared to the UT-DMEM + UT-Test formulation group. The collagen synthesis was significantly increased by 5.94% and 10.84% in the UT-DMEM + BT-Test formulation and BT-DMEM + BT-Test formulation groups, respectively at ”

Excerpt From: Shirley Theresa Holmlund. “Skin Nourishing Effects of Biofield Energy Healing Treated Herbomineral Formulation.” Apple Books.