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LOCKDOWN TOOK MY INCOME: Take Your Control Back With This 9 Step Blueprint To Success

by Maini Homer

ASIN: B088DH6895

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In this book, Maini shares her full roadmap to success. Maini shows you the power you already have inside. The book will take you through the basics, so even if you’ve never attempted your own business before, it will teach you how step by step. This will give you the confidence, certainty, and self-belief to step up and take the action you need to take. The book will teach you how to discover your true passion or genius zone. Maini drills down with you and walks side by side with you, so you know with absolute certainty that your plan will FIRE! You’ll also learn the exact techniques Maini used to get leverage and find helpful resources. Even if you are skilled in business, it will be a great reminder of things you may have forgotten. It will teach you how best to plan, so that you have a solid outcome and easy to reach steps on how to get where you truly want to go.You’ll learn how to drill down to your target market and the true importance of taking massive action.“I worked with Maini last year and she planted the seeds that helped turn my life around! At the time I was struggling with my limited beliefs that were preventing me from moving ahead with my business aspirations. Today I run an internet advertising and marketing startup of 17 people and counting! Thank you againMaini� - Natalie Rose“Maini took me from being a shy accountant to Ceo in just 3months� - Gloria Baxter