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Because I Love You

by Ranjeeta Rani


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Each one of us is capable of creating a new life, but few have the power to destroy it. Seldom against the will of nature. No matter who you are, what kind of life you are leading, ultimately, your pure clandestine light within you will sublime in the universe to transform into a brand-new life. That’s how nature had balanced its existence.
It’s always empowering to overpower the smartest living people around you. This sensational feeling has been a proven fix to temporarily alleviate the pain, sorrow, humiliation, betrayal, and whatever has been pricking your bare soul.
Once fully possessed by it, you feel allured to pull another act, more challenging, more harmful, before the last one fades away. The dark shadow becomes your loyal companion that follows you everywhere and leaves you alone in your coffin to rest in peace.