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Life Is A Sandcastle: “Nothing is permanent, except the things you create temporarily.”

by Tero Moliis


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Why should you invest time, energy and love in creating something today—perhaps a sandcastle or a life—even when you know it might be gone tomorrow?

This book will answer that question, and introduce you to a straightforward philosophy in life, a simple yet profound way of looking and understanding things. And in the process inspire you to smile, and to think and question everything, especially things that make up your everyday life and your comfort zone. Things that too often receive no attention.

Imagining life as a sandcastle will help you take pause, redefine your focus, and identify the things that are beneficial to you from those that are not. The process will give you a chance to open, develop and even change your mind, find answers that work for you, and help you create a life as happy as possible.