A Better Message (in a Mess-Age): Volume 1 - Audio Optometry
by Michael Coleman
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Can you see with your ears?
These are the questions you should be asking about your current marketing and sales strategies.
What is marketing? What is sales? Coleman says, marketing and sales is all about COMMUNICATION! That’s what you’ll find in A Better Message (in a Mess-Age) – Audio Optometry. This book is about people and communication and telling your story to get more customers for your business.
Coleman delivers communication in a way you’ve never experienced before! He gives you the answers to all your question and more – examples that will blow your mind – straight up and to the point. With a little humor thrown in for effect.
Tapping into his more than 30 years of experience in radio and advertising, Michael reveals the truth – what works and what doesn’t. His focus on the customer and how to make your branding, marketing, and sales always serve that customer is what makes this guidebook the ONLY book you need to skyrocket your business this year.
Audio-optometry – it’s a skill. A learned skill. It’s the true meaning of marketing today.
If you’re in business today, if you are starting a business, if your business is successful but could be so much more, here are three chapters in Michael’s book that will change how you think about creating a better message in a “mess-age� :
- The Power of Analogy…and Words
- Fireworks for the Blind
- Marketing Theory vs Scientific Practice
To give added value, the book contains QR codes connecting the reader to worksheets and PDFs that enhance the teachings in the book.
This is not a read and put away book. This is a workshop in a bottle. This is your chance to come to that “ah-ha� moment of realization and turn your ho-hum marketing and advertising into soaring success.