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Follow the Love

by Elizabeth Wynter,Marisha Kashyap,Gaelin Elmore


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Embark on a transformative journey with "Follow the Love: Permanent Connections Scaffolding," a groundbreaking guidebook meticulously crafted for child welfare stakeholders dedicated to empowering young people navigating the challenging transition out of the foster care system. This enlightening book is not just a manual; it's a visionary roadmap for creating lasting connections and stability in the lives of transitioning youth.

Authored by a dynamic team combining lived experience with rigorous research, "Follow the Love" unveils a comprehensive framework for building a village of permanent connections. The authors passionately advocate for a supportive community that guides transitioning youth towards interdependence, emphasizing policies, practices, people, and programs that can revolutionize the post-foster care experience.

"Follow the Love" is a compelling call to action for foster care workers, policymakers, and advocates invested in the welfare of transitioning youth. It boldly reimagines a Youth Well-Being system that prioritizes the socio-emotional needs of these vulnerable individuals. By co-creating a Permanent Connections Scaffold
with young people rather than for them, the authors advocate for a holistic approach that fosters trust, belonging, and lasting connections.

This book challenges the status quo, urging readers to participate actively in reshaping the narrative for transitioning youth. Through its powerful narrative and actionable insights, "Follow the Love: Permanent Connections Scaffolding" becomes an indispensable tool for anyone invested in empowering young individuals in transition. It reinforces the idea that, with love and community support, the journey from foster care to adulthood can be illuminated by the guiding beacons of connection, stability, and lasting relationships. At its core, this book is a poignant reminder that every young person deserves access to a supportive community to navigate the unique challenges of life beyond foster care.

Here is what readers have to say:
"Dr. Wynter/the authors skillfully combine personal stories, experience, research findings, and policy recommendations to shed light on the gaps and opportunities to construct a youth centered pathway to permanency by following the love. The authors provide a sound scaffolding framework and a series of recommendations to be easily adopted to promote positive change in this practical guide. Follow the Love is a must-read for anyone who cares about the well-being of youth in transition. Great read!"
Dr. Patricia Nellius-Guthrie, Florida Coalition for Children, Executive Vice President and Chief Knowledge and Innovation Officer

"Follow the Love lays out the system of care that I dreamt of as a ward of the state, foster parent and social worker. Gaelin's perspective provided validation and motivation to make a positive change to a system that told me "Happy Birthday, You're on your own." I am hopeful the methodology of Social Scaffolding Permanent Connections spreads like wild fire in the foster care world from the policymakers, social workers, and youth to the public."
Olivia Snoke, Lived Experience Expert, Owner of Emerging Phoenix

"Wynter, Kashyap, and Elmore’s book, Scaffolding Permanent Connections, lays out a vision for a child welfare system that truly honors and centers youth voice and engagement. Using the “scaffold� as a guiding framework, they call for a re-imagined child welfare system that will support youth to successfully transition to adulthood with networks of support, care, and belonging. This is an important, and much-needed, call to action for child welfare administrators, policy-makers, and practitioners."
Annette Semanchin Jones, PhD, Associate Professor, University at Buffalo School of Social Work