American Madness: Waking up to Woke
by Ron Wallace
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It doesn’t seem right that the well-being of a few should take precedence over the well-being of many, let alone the vast majority of our citizens. The downward spiral of America is gaining momentum and our freedoms are being stolen each day. Our children are being exploited. Our American civilization is imploding. Our cities are sinking into third world crime havens. Our borders are like torn sieves. Our own sovereignty and its importance is evaporating.
Are you sick of the Anti-American virus infecting and attacking our freedoms, liberties, and way of life? We do not have to accept this new version of America that is being crammed down our throats. American Madness draws parallels that address everything from honesty, courage, integrity, morals, dignity, to determination and how all these things relate to living a good life and enjoying freedom and liberties. You will see stories of how an indomitable spirit, properly governed, can conquer most anything.
This book will introduce you to the Marxist regime that clandestinely is attacking America with Woke’s weapons of mass destruction: Critical Race Theory (CRT), Cancel Culture, Gender Identity, Social Emotional Learning, biological males invading female sports and bathrooms, and so much more. You will understand where we have been and where we are going as a nation. Throughout this book you will find many ways you can become involved to save our children, our culture, our freedoms, our liberties, and preserve the American way of life.