By proceeding, you need to be aware that you cannot request a refund once payment has been made. If you change your mind after committing, you have the option to sell your spot to another individual. This transfer is subject to approval by your Book Leader. This no-refund condition is clearly stated in sales presentations and at the checkout stage.

Transfer to Another Book

  • Eligibility for Transfer: You are allowed to transfer to another book under exceptional circumstances such as sickness, a major life event, or other reasons approved by the Publisher.
  • Timing Restrictions: This transfer option is not available once you have submitted your chapter.
  • Credit Validity: Any credit for transferring to another book is valid for 12 months from the initial commitment. This is clearly stated at the checkout stage.

Withdrawal Policy

  • Chapter Submission: Once your chapter is submitted, you cannot withdraw from the book. This ensures the integrity and continuity of the book's development process.