How do I give and receive referrals?

5 Jul. 2024


Referrals are a powerful way to create value within your network. This article explains how to give and receive referrals effectively.


  1. Give Referrals:

    • Open the Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network extension.
    • Navigate to the “Referrals” section.
    • Click “Give Referral” and select the connection you want to refer.
    • Fill in the referral details and click “Send.”
  2. Receive Referrals:

    • When someone gives you a referral, you will receive a notification.
    • Check your email and the Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network dashboard for new referrals.
    • Follow up promptly with the referred contact.

Conclusion: Giving and receiving referrals strengthens your network and builds trust. Start leveraging referrals to unlock new opportunities.