How to create an awesome testimonial for us!

27 Feb. 2021

Thank you so much for agreeing to create a video for Evolve Global Publishing and for your experience with us. Below is a framework for you to script what you want to say.  In terms of how long the video that’s entirely up to you.

Sample Testimonial Questions - Interview Questions - Before and After

 This document is an outline and list of questions you can answer during a testimonial interview.  

A few things:

1. Please come prepared with answers to the questions we’re providing. The best answers are:

  • Real and authentic (don’t try to be perfect or portray your business a perfect, but rather share from the heart where it really is, what’s really working for you and the mistakes you’ve made and overcome).
  • Specific and clear - while you’re talking about what you did and how it worked for you, ultimately the outcome of the interview is to provide the audience with why they would want to do a book with us.
  • Give examples - how have you applied the principles of what you learned about and used it in a practical setting 
  • Give actionable strategies through what you’re sharing - you’re not teaching so this shouldn’t come across as a presentation, but you do need to be clear about what specific steps you have taken that have worked that they can use and call it out.
  • Be concise - to get through our questions, we need everyone’s answers to be concise (i.e. 1 minute each). Share one concept per question.
  • Props are GREAT! If can hold your book at some point this will help with social proof

2. Please dress professionally business casual will support you best.

3. Let’s have fun. If we have fun up there, the audience will too!  

IMPORTANT: (make sure you use the term “Evolve Global Publishing” ) 

Here’s a basic question template or sample questions for you. You don’t have to answer all of these questions but instead will pick a few that you can mention that are really, really powerful to you.

  • What's your name, where are you from, and what do you do?
  • Tell us about the RESULTS you got from Evolve Global Publishing- Or what were the results? What outcome did you receive? How much did you get paid? What new opportunity came to you?
  • What was life like before you started using Evolve Global Publishing? 
  • What problems were you having?
  • How did you first hear about Evolve Global Publishing?
  • What is one of the most valuable lessons you learned during the author process.
  • Answer this question: #BecauseOfMyBook, I ________ [if you already have written a book, describe something major that’s happened or if you haven’t, what’s something that WILL?]
  • How is your life now that you’re using Evolve Global Publishing ?
  • Tell me the #1 thing you love about being a consultant/coach/small business owner/entrepreneur?
  • What are some of the benefits or results you've had?
  • Which benefit is most valuable to you and why?
  • How long did it take for you to see the benefits of using Evolve Global Publishing?
  • In general, how does it feel now that you've added the Evolve Global Publishing to your life?
  • How do you think other people view you now?
  • What do you think of the Evolve Global Publishing as a whole?
  • Is it easy / does it work / can anyone do it?
  • What would you say to someone on the fence of investing in Evolve Global Publishing?
  • What’s your favourite thing about the process?
  • Now that you're on a path to success what does your spouse, family, friends and peers say about you and how you’ve changed or the results they’ve seen?
  • If you had to describe John North to someone who has never met them how would you describe them?
  • What’s the best thing you’ve ever learned from John North
  • What advice would you have for others who haven’t made the leap about what kind of results they can possibly get?