
Welcome to the Evolvepreneur Podcast Show, where we talk to experienced entrepreneurs to get some great ideas about how you can grow your business.

My very special guest today is Daniel Tolson.

Daniel Tolson is a successful business coach and is regarded as Asia’s #1 business coach specializing in Emotional Intelligence and a former Australian Champion Athlete. He co-leads a team of more than 17,000 Cabin Crew and currently serves as a consultant to more than 17,500 business people globally. With more than 6,500 case studies into the science of Emotional Intelligence he is considered as one of the worlds' leading business coaches specializing in emotional intelligence. He shows people how to become successful by providing scientific and evidence-based methods on how to catapult your influence, accelerate your impact and unleash new income levels.

In this episode, we discuss the following topics:

  • What is emotional intelligence?
  • What are the risks and costs of a bad hire?
  • How are business people sabotaging their own success?
  • How to eliminate the risk of a bad hire by 97%?
  • Why is emotional intelligence the biggest predictor of success?

To find out more about Daniel, visit his Evolvepreneur profile here: https://evolvepreneur.club/user/2126

About The Show

Evolvepreneur is a podcast featuring guest experts and stories about entrepreneurs and their quest to navigate the online world.

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