Introduction to Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network

17 Jul. 2024

Overview of Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network

Welcome to Evolvepreneur Trusted Network, your go-to tool for building a solid professional network through trusted introductions.


The Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network is designed to help professionals build and manage a robust network of trusted connections. It integrates with browsers and LinkedIn, providing tools for networking, referrals, and event promotion within a secure and trusted environment.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Networking: Facilitates the creation and maintenance of meaningful professional relationships.
  • Referrals and Introductions: Streamlines the process of giving and receiving referrals and introductions.
  • Event Promotion: Allows users to efficiently promote and manage LinkedIn events.
  • Trust Meter: Measures and tracks the trust level within your network, providing insights and encouraging higher engagement.
  • AI-Driven Features: Utilizes artificial intelligence to recommend high-value connections and optimize networking efforts.

Essential Setup Checklist

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network?

A1: The Evolvepreneur® Trusted Network is a platform designed to help professionals build and manage a network of trusted connections, facilitating networking, referrals, and event promotion within a secure and trusted environment.

Q2: How does the Trust Meter work?

A2: The Trust Meter measures and tracks your trust level within the network based on your interactions, such as giving and receiving referrals, making introductions, and receiving recommendations. Higher trust levels indicate greater reliability and engagement within the community.

Q3: What are the benefits of a complete Linkedin profile?

A3: A complete profile increases your visibility, enhances your professional credibility, and optimizes your networking efforts by making it easier for others to understand your expertise and how you can provide value.